67 مصور اجنبي من مختنلف الجنسيات
22 مصور من البلدان العربية
64 مصور من العراق ( اقليم كردستان ـ محافظات العراق ـ المصورين العراقيين المغتربين )
شهد المعرض حضورا متميزا للقنوات الاعلامية والجمهور الذي عبر عن سعادته لهذا العمل الكبير
On 03.03.2012 at the Hall of Amin Surkh in Sulaymaniyah was the exhibition opening of the Second International Photography and held by the Organization of Larsa for Human Rights and under the logo to make the voice of humanity above the voices of guns took part in the exhibition, a large group of photographers from different countries of the world exhibition included 270 image measuring 50 x 70 cm covering various topics as part of the Electoral Commission for elections images Palanthabat especially in Iraq
Saw the show a distinct presence of the channels of media and the public, who expressed his happiness for this great work